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Image by John Jennings

A Welcome Letter from the Author

Hi everyone! I'm Stevie Jo, the author of the new Angel of Death series and my new blog "The Stevie Jo Journals," and now I can't resist adding this:

This first post is really just about me giving you some insight into what to expect from my blogs as well as some of the other things I promote around my site.

Angel of Death: In the Beginning is my first published novel. I couldn't be more proud and more nervous at the same time. As a dear friend recently reminded me, those are two sides of the same coin, so I press forward to complete a dream that has burrowed deep within me for a very long time. This book, in particular, has taken me at least four years to really nail down and get in solid form for publication.

Let me know in the comments if you'd be interested in the background of how Angel of Death came to be. I'm happy to share it because it has truly evolved into an untamable beast from where it was before!

Back to the point of this entry: I plan to post once a week, mostly on Fridays, with the occasional exception based on the news I have to share. I'm hoping to stick to one topic per month or two (depending on how much we can discuss), so if you have something in particular you would like me to discuss, you can let me know in the comments. This month, leading up to the book release is going to focus on getting to know me and gearing up for the book release.

I'll tell you, I've got an idea to do a Facebook Release/Un-boxing Party for when I receive my own hard copy. I have a feeling it'll be emotional. Stay tuned to my blog posts and my bi-weekly newsletter, "Quill & Ink," for more info on that. And, yes, shameless plug for my newsletter is shameless. ;-)

If you haven't already connected with me on social media, I encourage you to do so (links at the top of the website). I'd love to get to know my readers and to let you get to know me in a less formal setting. I don't always gab about my writing on there like I do on here, so it's a bit more personal. I'll post things that inspire me for life and writing as well as the adventures my husband and I go on. Plus, I have two dogs who are just the cutest babies a fur-mama could ask for. They do a good job keeping me company while I'm on the clock at my full-time job as well as when I'm writing. And, honestly, who doesn't like puppy posts?

Here's a cute sample of Baxter with Bufalo sleeping just for a teaser:

If nothing else, you'll have those cute little puppy eyes to look forward to when you follow me. Shameless use of my dogs to elicit engagement is purely shameless!

Anyway, I'm incredibly excited to begin this new chapter of my life (pun intended), and I'm excited for all of you to share in the adventure with me. I love to write; I always have. I truly hope that my passion for this world I've created echoes loudly in the words that bled from me onto the page. And, even though you can't read it just yet, you can read the reviews from my Guardians (beta readers). I am forever grateful to them for their willingness to read my work and their encouragement to keep pushing forward when the road seemed so dark and scary.

And I am forever grateful to you, my new readers, because you will be there to echo them as I take on this new adventure! With open arms, I welcome you to "The Stevie Jo Journals". I welcome you to Murlance and Heaven, two of the Three Realms featured in my upcoming book. Most of all, I welcome you to my world. It's been quiet and closed up until now, and I am excited to share with you so we can get to know each other a little better.

Love Always,

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1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
21 feb 2021

Good luck Love the picture of Baxter!

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