Welcome to this week's entry in the "Postcards" series. Last week, we looked at the touristy city of Murlance. This week, we're going to learn a little more about Murlance's sister-city, Falshooke Mountain. As always, if you haven't had the chance to purchase In the Beginning yet, you can do so via this link.

Technically considered part of the Appalachian Mountains, Falshooke Mountain is a stand-alone peak in Murr County with a unique and fresh vibe. Legend has it, the city was founded by some of the very first Creatures to ever exist: Mermaids.
Hundreds of years ago, before Murlance was founded, the Mermaids of Falshooke Mountain lived in the deep, enchanted chasms of Alchemic Falls. Creature history describes a time when Mer-folk could harness the magic that flowed in the waters of Alchemic Falls to walk on land for a short period. During that time, some of them built homes in the trees of the forest, befriending the Fairies that used to live there.
Although the Fairy species is now extinct, Falshooke Mountain is still home to some of the most magical Creatures on the planet, very few of whom reside at the base of the lush mountain. Most Creatures make their homes higher up on the Mountainside because they enjoy the crisp, fresh air and the privacy that is afforded to them.
Want to learn more about the beautiful and tragic history of the Creatures of Falshooke Mountain? Stop by the Visitor's Center in downtown Murlance to pick up your copy of the historical companion book titled, "The Enchantment of Falshooke Mountain".

While it is part of Murr County and under the leadership of Mayor James Jericho and his family, Falshooke Mountain is a Kentucky historic landmark and refuge for Creatures, thanks to the efforts of the mayor's wife, Sylvia Yates.
You are encouraged to come visit the Mountain and hike through the trees at its base for yourself to enjoy its beauty. You will not find the standard tourism fare here; instead, you will find peace, unbelievably fresh air, and the most beautiful night sky this side of the Mississippi River. Follow the marked trails to approved camp sites. Take the short journey to Alchemic Falls and see its beauty for yourself. If Mother Nature is tugging at your adventurous heart, then look no further! Falshooke Mountain is sure to provide you with the perfect natural remedy for whatever ails your heart.
Because Falshooke Mountain is a historic landmark, you won't find any fancy hotels or hole in the wall bed and breakfasts. If you come to stay the night in the Mountain, you are going to have the soft, thick Earth for a pillow and a blanket of stars to keep you warm.
There are ten trails off of the Mountain Highway that lead to safe and approved camping spots

at the base of Falshooke Mountain. The first trailhead can be found three miles after the trailhead for Alchemic Falls. The last trailhead is found fourteen miles after the first. Just look for the color coded posts as you drive!
Gravel parking lots are provided at each trailhead to keep your car off the road. Each trail varies in length, with the longest being 5 miles one way and the shortest being 0.5 miles one way. All visitors are encouraged to spend the night in our gorgeous Mountain forest, but please assess your own ability. Most trails near Alchemic Falls are relatively flat with low hills. The closer to the first rise in the Mountain, the rougher the terrain. So please be sure to pack appropriately for your own adventure as there are no park rangers here!
Once you arrive to your camping ground, however, you will not regret it. Every trail leads to a field with thinner trees for a better view of your surroundings. You will immediately notice how much cooler the air is. Many visitors describe it as being crisp and fresh like a cool drink of water on a summer day. We encourage you to leave your electronics at home and get back to basics with the chirps of birds and trickling water to lull you to sleep.

Stop by the Murlance Visitor's Center before embarking on your journey for trail descriptions and detailed rules regarding camping in Falshooke Mountain.
Falshooke Mountain may not have the fancy sit-down restaurants or drive-thrus of Murlance, but it has something more unique to offer: natural experience.

The biggest tourist attraction in Falshooke Mountain is Alchemic Falls. The trail is located just five miles into the Mountain town on the left. The walk is short and not strenuous at all, so any member of the family can make it! As soon as you cross from the gravel parking lot into the greenery, you will hear the low rumble of water cascading down from the very top of the Mountain. It is so high up, in fact, that it looks as though it is being poured from a cloud in Heaven!
What keeps it flowing for such a great distance? Many Creature historians believe the magic that was used to create the Falls keeps it pouring to that precise point in Falshooke Mountain. The pool is so deep that it should be black or purple, but it is not. Yet another trick of the magic in our special world! Instead, the water remains a glowing blue-green, depending on the light reflecting on it. No one knows just how deep Alchemic Falls goes beneath the Mountain surface. Well, the Mer-folk do, but they aren't telling anyone! If you're lucky and the moon is at just the right angle over the water, you just might get lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a Mermaid swimming in the deep.
When you visit Alchemic Falls or take a hike on one of our lovely trails, please be respectful of the nature around you. This is a living historic landmark, meaning Creatures rely on this land to remain as pristine as possible so they can continue to thrive. Please only leave behind your footprints, being sure to take all trash and camping necessities with you.
It is important to remember that 97% of Falshooke Mountain's residents are Creatures of one kind or another. Most of them live in the deep woods of the Mountain and up the winding road that leads to the top. Please note that this road is very dangerous with most of it inaccessible by vehicle. Mayor Jericho and Murr County kindly ask that you do not attempt to travel the Mountain Highway beyond the last trail head in an effort to allow our Creature residents to remain in peace.
Sadly, Mayor Jericho and his family are aware of some of the prejudices that face Creatures in these modern times. That is why Mayor Jericho has joined forces with Verum Humanior Lab Corp. to launch a new program to unite Humans and Creatures as one. The Conquisitors are among the top-ranked scientists in the region, and they are working tirelessly to compound a variety of genetic solutions that will end the unique suffering of the separate species.

With Director Kordelia Danes, Ph.D., at the helm, Creatures can rest assured their genes are in safe and caring hands. Dr. Danes' own daughter, Peyton Jericho--a Lycanthrope--has joined the cause to make the world a better place. They encourage you to inquire how you can continue building a safe community for everyone while you visit both Murlance and Falshooke Mountain.
Mayor Jericho and his family want you to maximize your time in Murr County, including Falshooke Mountain, and they want you to enjoy every moment you are here. In compliance with the legal obligations required by the federal government to ensure peace and safety between the species, below is the Falshooke Mountain Key Ordinance. Please note that all residents and visitors must follow in order to ensure both Creatures and Humans are kept safe, happy, and healthy in our fabulous community.
Falshooke Mountain Key Ordinance 667.660-.666:
Falshooke Mountain ("the Mountain") is the primary residence for all Creature species. Humans residing and/or visiting the Mountain do so at their own risk.
Drinking, bathing, swimming, or dumping is strictly prohibited in Alchemic Falls and is a Class D felony, punishable by $20,000 fine and up to five (5) days jail time.
Camping is strictly prohibited during the three (3) day period of the Full Moon. The three (3) day period includes the day/night before, the day/night of, and the day/night after a Full Moon each month. Penalties for illegal camping during such time includes, but is not limited to, up to 48 hours jail time and a $5,000.00 per day fine.
Campers entering the trails of Falshooke Mountain throughout the year acknowledge it is at their own risk. Murr County and the Jericho family are not liable for any theft, injury, abduction, and/or death, or any other harm that shall mentally, emotionally, or physically be caused to campers while in Falshooke Mountain.
I hope you enjoyed that profile of Falshooke Mountain! If you did, let me know in the comments below. Next week, we'll take our journey away from Earth and explore the educational center of Heaven: Nirvana. Until then, buy In the Beginning (and/or tell your friends to buy it); read through it; don't forget to leave a review; and, most importantly, enjoy the Hell out of it!
Love Always,
